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NOTE - Substitute your domain name in the URL's below (where it says "yourdomain.com"). Some users may experience a browser security warning when visiting the "8443" addresses below. They may either click "advanced" > "proceed..." to ignore the warning, or visit https://host5.datatune.com:8443 instead. The connection will remain encrypted, either way.

Accessing Webmail:

  1. Go to webmail.domain-name.com
  2. Login with your full email address and password

Changing your password:

  1. Go to www.yourdomain.com:8443
  2. Login with your full email address and password
  3. Click "My Profile"

Configure a third-party email account (i.e. gmail.com) to be used for "lost password" resets

  1. Go to www.yourdomain.com:8443
  2. Login with full email address and password
  3. Click "Change Mail Account Settings"
  4. Enter third-party email address in the "External email address" box
  5. Click "OK"

Configuring email clients (when mail and web are both hosted with Datatune):

(Note this process only applies when mail and web are hosted with Datatune--if unsure, contact support@datatune.com)

  1. Go to www.yourdomain.com:8443
  2. Login with your full email address and password (if configuring mail on phone, perform this step from your from phone)
  3. Click "Learn How to Configure Email Client"
  4. Select appropriate mail client
  5. If configuring mail on phone, click the URL presented (below the QR code), download the profile to your phone (accept notice on phone)
  6. If configuring iOS, on your phone, go to "Settings" > "Profile Downloaded" > "Install" > Enter phone password > "Install" > type mail account password when prompted > "Next" > "Done"

Configuring email clients (when your website is NOT hosted with Datatune):

These are the most commonly used settings (alternatives are provided below)

  1. Incoming IMAP mail server = mail.yourdomain.com (port 993)
  2. Incoming encryption method = SSL/TLS
  3. Outgoing SMTP mail server = mail.yourdomain.com (port 465)
  4. Outgoing encryption method = SSL/TLS
  5. Username = your full email address
  6. Password = the same password you use for webmail

Other/alternative supported protocols:

Incoming mail protocols: POP3 (port 110), POP3 over SSL/TLS (port 995), IMAP (port 143), IMAP over SSL/TLS (port 993)

Outgoing mail protocols: SMTP (25), SMTP over SSL/TLS (port 465)

Removing iOS mail account installed via profiles

  1. On your Apple Phone, go to "Settings" > "General" > "Profiles" > Select profile to remove > "Remove Profile"

Verify your password:

  1. Log in to webmail (webmail.yourdomain.com) with your full email address and password
  2. If you're able to log in to webmail without issue, you're using the correct password

Set up OOTO notification:

  1. Go to www.yourdomain.com:8443
  2. Login with your full email address and password
  3. Click "Change Mail Account Settings"
  4. Click "Auto Reply"

Set up mail forwarding:

  1. Go to www.yourdomain.com:8443
  2. Login with your full email address and password
  3. Click "Change Mail Account Settings"
  4. Click "Forwarding"

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